Install Sass step by step

By February 12, 2017 Css, Html, SASS No Comments

Install Sass step by step.

Before you start using Sass you will need to install Ruby.
The easiest way to get Ruby on your Windows computer is to use Ruby Installer. It’s a single-click installer that will get everything set up for you super fast.

The installer will also install a Ruby command line Powershell application that will let you use the Ruby libraries.


Install Sass

Here’s the quickest way we’ve found to start using Sass by using the command line:

  1. Open your Terminal or Command Prompt. On the Mac the comes installed by default. It’s located in your “Utilities” folder. On Windows, run
  2. Install Sass. Ruby uses Gems to manage its various packages of code like Sass. In your open terminal window type:
    This will install Sass and any dependencies for you. It’s pretty magical. If you get an error message then it’s likely you will need to use the sudo command to install the Sass gem. It would look like:
  3. Double-check. You should now have Sass installed, but it never hurts to double-check. In your terminal application you can type:
    It should return Sass 3.4.22 (Selective Steve). Congratulations! You’ve successfully installed Sass.


About Vijay Dhanvai

A passionate blogger by heart and mind, I have been working in this field for 10 years now. A WordPress Professional, web developer and designer who intends to guide his readers about Web Design, WordPress, Blogging, Web Development, and more.

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